Grizzlies WTF?

Seriously? So the Grizzlies traded Pau Gasol, a proven productive NBA player, to the Lakers for... what, exactly? There are no guarantees, just four #1 picks, essentially. That's it. Chris Wallace, what were you thinking? Those first rounders are going to be LATE first rounders. So you'll have cap space for free agents too, but who exactly are you gunning for now? Who wants to play for the Grizzlies? Without Pau's production you're going to be really, really terrible for a few years, if not butt-naked last. WTF?

I know this site is called Rational Sports, but perhaps I should have included the disclaimer "rationality not guaranteed when discussing teams I love or hate". I hate the Lakers. Hate them. And now they have, when healthy, perhaps the most productive team in the NBA.